We need a Green New Deal
Please take our survey on the Green New Deal!
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Which part of the Green New Deal are you most excited about?
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Jobs Guarantee
Improving public transportation
Renewable energy
The jobs guarantee would provide a family-sustaining wage, paid family and medical leave, paid vacations, and retirement security for everyone. Do you support Medicare for All, which would provide healthcare for everyone?
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Which part of improving our public transportation systems is most important to you?
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Building a world-class high-speed rail network so air travel becomes unnecessary
Building and expanding public transit options like buses and metros in every city
Phasing out gas-powered cars in favor of electric cars
What's the best way to get to 100% renewable energy?
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Pollution tax so dirty fuels like coal, oil, and gas industries have to pay for the harm they cause to our environment
Subsidies for renewable energy like solar rebates
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